Mar 31, 2023Liked by Susan Gabriel, Author

I love standing outside just before an approaching rainstorm...eyes closed..head tilted to the sky and breathe.

I also just watch my little ferret dude scurry around the house. No matter how vicious the work day had been... he always lifts my mood.

I don’t know if it’s just me but sometimes...sometimes I need the outdoors..the grass, breeze, trees...I need to the blue of the sky to just feel centered. So much so that I feel as though my soul weeps. I don’t know if anyone else feels like this but it always reminds me to hold still and listen.

Sorry ..had a lot to say!! 😁

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NEVER apologize for commenting, Liz. I love hearing what you have to say! ♥️

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Apr 1, 2023Liked by Susan Gabriel, Author

I’m sitting in my sunroom watching the birds at the feeders! No news just the sound of birds. The most exciting thing this morning is the Hummingbirds fighting over the feeder and my favorite coffee! I’m smiling!

I can add my recommendation to the list of stress relievers. Go out and nature journal! No art talent required! You just need a small journal and a good pencil or pen. Sit quietly, take four deep, cleansing breaths and imagine being rooted into the earth. Observe what you see, hear, feel, smell and sometimes even taste. Record your experience in your journal with written word, drawings or both. It lifts your spirit, relaxes your body and quiets your overactive mind. 💚🌻

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Excellent,Rebecca. I can see it!

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Mar 31, 2023Liked by Susan Gabriel, Author

I get huge pleasure from feeding and observing hummingbirds in the summer. They have a wonderful community themselves!

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Me, too, Carole! Great addition. Another friend suggested puddle stomping. Love that one, too.

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Nov 10, 2023Liked by Susan Gabriel, Author

Yes, Susan I am glad I found you and have questions for you given your expertise. I have read that psychopaths are drawn to politics in unusually high numbers. The suggestion has been made political candidates should be screened for psychopathic tendencies, just like we have eye examinations and criminal record checks for employment.

I am also concerned about the lack of empathy we see today... is this just a by-product of the post modern world, can we get it back ?

We are so fortunate to live close to wooded areas and walking the dogs there is a favorite pass time, writing and cooking are very good anger management. Staying close to plants and animals is an essential survival skill.

We should at all times open cans of worms and rock boats as necessary.

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Hi Robert. Thanks for your thoughts. Have you heard of a podcast called Disaffected? It links current affairs to a rise in narcissism. This makes sense to me. Especially the lack of empathy.

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